Dungeon Defenders 2 Bug Reporting

Fixed Bugs
Bugs that have been fixed and the fix has been put into the game or soon will be.
Votes Bug Comments Date
Big Boy - MDL Discharge - Atomic Madness passive only works from weapon or relic not working together
Big Boy - MDL Discharge - Atomic Madness passive only work from one of these sources if you have it on both, it should work taking both into the value like with any other passiv on any other character. It also takes the lower passive value from the gear automa...

Switching chars doubling passives on gravity bomb / Big Boy
If you activate a gravity bomb with another char the initial passives on the EV placing them are doubled. Meaning the Big boy passives is working twice, the crit defense probably is doubled too (hard to test), the range passive for the grav bots is doubled. Th...

Hemolytic Poison sphere stacks poison and time from Lash Out more then 3 times (can be indefinitely stacked)
The sphere Hemolytic Poison decreases the Lash out damage by 20% and increases it's duration by 5s and allows it to stack 3 times. The sphere actually let you stack Lash Out as often as you want and it also stacks the time. If you use Lash out 10 times with al...

Sandstorm Warrior and Snakes on a Plane sphere is only working when entered as the very first sphere in an empty sphere slot
The Sandstorm Warrior and Snakes On a Plane sphere is only working when entered as the very first sphere in an empty sphere slot, while all other slots are still empty. If you place them after you entered other spheres already, then these 2 will not work. Th...

Obelisk shield buffing, Empowering Blasphemy, Sandstorm Warriors, Serpent God's Protection spheres are stacking
If you have multiple Mystics and build multiple Obelisks or Snaking Sands, the Empowering Blasphemy, Sandstorm Warriors, Serpent God's Protection  spheres are stacking. This looks fine in a 4 player map for the buffs are mostly distributed between all player...

Sand Vipers are not receiving the damage increase from buff beams
You can place a Buff beam on a Sand Viper but it does not buff it's DP (damage), only the ATK Rate is buffed. Sand Vipers should be buffed with DP by Buff beam too. The Sand Vipers are receiving the boost  from Boost Aura and lavamancer Eruption correctly. Th...

Sand Vipers are effected by the Slow Death sphere while using the Split Vipers sphere
Sand Vipers are effected by the Slow Death sphere while using the Split Vipers sphere. This leads to a decrease of it's damage. As soon as the player uses the Split Vipers Sphere the Slow Death Sphere should not work on Sand Vipers. Steps to reproduce: place ...

Viper's Fangs attack range angle seems to be bigger then the actual targeting range also the targeting seems to be wonky
It happens that some viper's Fangs do shoot out the attack animation if an enemy is on it's attack range (close to left or right), but they never bubble these, while others can hit them when the monsters are more close to their middle. This issue was noticeabl...

Harbinger's Watch meteors spawning grey boxes on detonation
If the apprentice uses Mana Bomb and has a Harbinger's Watch equiped he spawns meteors. If these Meteors are hitting something the matrix opens and grey boxes appear. If you walk through this diminsion gate you are led to the second diminsion of Etheria, it is...

Chrome enemies...not that chrome.
So.Chrome enemyes can't be slowed,stunned or knocked up - as map says,but.Protons still can slow mobs down,mystic's block still can buble(=knock) them up.(Not that sure if it was protons but guess so,cause it was too slow for serenity)I'll record it if needed.

Pet Box items can disappear when opening
In certain cases, opening up a pet box seems to lose the reroll/food/upgrade items. My first two bags are usually setup for picking up the non-legendary items, including pet boxes. All the rest of my bags are set to only pickup legendary items (and most of the...

Altar of Athame flying tower placement bug
On the Altar of Athame Incursion, it is possible to place defenses floating way above the altar even though there does not seem to be anything there to support the towers.