Worn/Sturdy quality Abyss Lord tomes drop with generic "GARMENT NAME" item names, and upon returning to the Tavern, are deleted from your inventory without warning.
NOTE: This bug was previously declined without comment, but is still occurring. I am resubmi...
After the unnecessary patch that was released today which broke the game and didnt fix anything, Lavamancer's Fissure of Embermount stops working damage wise after about 10 or so seconds and doesn't start again until you replace it only to dissapear again af...
If the flamethrower tower stays on one target for ~30 seconds, it will stop spewing flame and stop doing damage while still doing the attack animation.
Easy to reproduce in tavern or in a match. In a match, just build a flamethrower along with a tier 5 fr...
my proton charge costs 16 mana when I use it about 230-240 mana spent (to a maximum of 300) stops to attack, that is, the beam disappears, but the animation and mana cost continues.
The Oily Entrapment shard for the Lavamancer's Oil Geyser has an extra blank line in its description. It's easy to see if you examine the stats of a relic that has it equipped. See the screenshot below:
Shards with the description "Your primary attacks..." apply also on secondary attacks. This seems to be the case on all shards but duo to some shards not working it is hard to test for all. It is easy to spot on the "Overwhelm" and "Life Leech" shard. This c...
Betsy's Curse shard does not work as described. It does not spawn 3 aoe zones. Only 1. If you put down another whilst one currently exists it will be overwritten
The skill "sundering blow" reduces monster resistence to 80%. This should lead to a 20% damage increase on primary attacks. However tests in C1 and C4 with mystic, abyss lord and squire are showing that the sphere is not working. The damage with and without th...
The only weapon that scales correctly with critical damage is the molten brimstone, any other book (with more critical damage) scales the critical damage down by a lot.
The shard megarock spawns every 10 salves a big meteor from the volcano which does 1150% DP bonus. This is actually not the case, without a pet and with around 10k DP the spawned meteor does 11 damage, with a pet equiped it does 1k damage. It should do roughly...
If you have items in the top slots of your inventory, and you float over them to pop up the discription window, the gold and gem amount are visual trough the popup. A bit annoying. Not sure if its a bug, or on purpose.