Dungeon Defenders 2 Bug Reporting

Hot Issues
Bugs that have been confirmed, reproducable, and considered important to be fixed as soon as possible.
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Hot Issues
Lady Orcs Sometimes Ignore Walls
Lady Orcs run fast enough that they can get to a wall before the wall's 'taunt pulse'. This can cause them to walk right around a wall. Or, in some cases on some maps, can cause them to be pushed through a small gap by the crowd of mobs coming behind them. Bec...

Hot Issues
Steam achievement "The Defender" and "Heroes United" are bugged
Sometime in 2016 I had all the Steam Achievements for DD2, but something happened around when the come left early Access. The achievements "The Defender" (which should be just reaching level 25 with 2 heroes) and "Heroes United" (reaching level 50 with 2 heroe...

Hot Issues
Gear stats at 0 when progressing. PS4
After completing a map, by winning or losing, and when continuing on, all gear will go to 0.Repro Chance: 90%Steps for Bug Repro: Hello. I've recently come across this bug, that usually happens after 2 or more games in a row, it does not matter if this is onsl...

Hot Issues
pets cant evolve
none of my pets can't evolveRepro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro:step 1 : power resetstep 2 : use  pet lolipopstep 3 : feed pet for maximum foodstep 4 : evolve button greyed out step 5 : leave town /return un equip/re equip step 6 : cryExpected Results: my...

Hot Issues
Private match to public match after next floor
So i create a private game in onslaught and after i hit next floor it sent me to a public game.Repro Chance: 50%Steps for Bug Repro:https://ibb.co/cYXW99https://ibb.co/jq0Uwphttps://ibb.co/c3Syp9https://ibb.co/nrQjU9

Hot Issues
Shards do not function in the first slot on Wayfarer weapons
Essentially, shards don't work if placed into the first from top shard slot on Wayfarer weapons.Repro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro:I'll show an easy example here Equip any legendary canister on the EV2 (3 shard slots) and then equip the Proton Cannon Insula...

Hot Issues
Loss of completed onslaught floor progress
After victory completing an onslaught floor progress is lost and sent back to the beginning of the floor after crash. After lost temple victory banner and opening victory chest, after hitting the continue button the game crashes to blue screen before map summ...

Hot Issues
Can't compare Squire's shield stats to unequipped shields
Comparing available shields for Squire ends up comparing his equipped sword to shield in inventory.Repro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro:1. Go to inventory. 2. Have Squire as active hero when equipping items. (Have sword and shield equipped, does not matter wh...

Hot Issues
Game Reset My C8 Flame Aura Medallion defense power and health to C1. It kept the servos at C8
Game Reset My C8 Flame Aura Medallion defense power and health to C1. It kept the servos at C8. Repro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro:Please put them back to C8, that just wasted the only C8 amp I've used... I have a picture  if needed. My name is  Budokai1 ...