Dungeon Defenders 2 Bug Reporting

Fixed Bugs
Bugs that have been fixed and the fix has been put into the game or soon will be.
Votes Bug Comments Date
Unable to change costume
After buying the dark costume for the Abyss character, I've noticed the only way to equip the new costume is through creating a character. If you then go back to the seamstress and look at the wardrobe tab, it'll revert to the original costume. Changing singul...

Unable to equip
items won't be equipped but straight sent to scavanger, sometimes even not there just straight up deletedRepro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro:So i decided to give a second shot to the game before i quit after carneval update, but now after playing for 10 hour...

Unable to place flame aura Chaos 2 map "The Ramparts"
In Chaos 2 "The Ramparts" trying to place a Flame Aura (Monk) Ascension level 600 Marks as green when Clicking Mouse nothing Happens. This worked in early access and works in same place in "Ramparts Siege". ALso has same problem Boost AUra and Sky Guard Towe...

Unequip All Shards Function result in loss of Shards
On two seperate occasions has this happened to me and both times I noted that it was after using the Unequip All shards option on relics. After clicking the option the shards are unequiped but are not returned to the inventory bags. I noticed because while I w...

Unlimited EXP Boost
Using the 20% or 10% EXP Boost Spheres in Combination with the 35% boost from Lvl 50s can lead to crazy amounts of percantages which arent only visual. By simply equiping 2x 20% Exp Spheres (or any other combination) on all your heros. If you switch those hero...

Upgrading at the Enchantress caused the exp sound to play non-stop.
Not entirely sure if it's able to be recreated, or how rare it is, but this happened. I went to the Enchantress to upgrade a legendary bow I had in the public hub. I used 2 other legendary items and 3 mythical items, none of which had any use to me. I got grea...

US East Servers do not work
when I try to play on a US East Server which is the closest server to me it says looking for game and then it says that there was a problem trying to find a serverRepro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro: go to options and put on US East try to join a game (Priva...

Used 30% or less of maximum Defense Units. is not working
If you build for 180 DU in the gribloks awesome goblin incursion map, which has 600 DU limit, then you fail the 30% rating and receive the 50% rating. So it is not "30% or less" but "less then 30%", i suspect that this issue also occurs on other ratings of thi...

Vanguards in chaos 2
There seems to be vanguard enemies spawning in chaos 2, which as far as I am aware is not supposed to be the case. This causes ALL defenses to be far less effective than they are meant to be given that the Cyborks also spawn.

Very old itsy-betsy pet doesn't evolve properly (doesn't change shape, but get new texture that doesn't fit)
Evolve and itsy-betsy pet that i've got not long after the full wipe. Thetexture update but the shape is still the same. so the eye is currently on the horn/spike on top of the head.Repro Chance: 10%Steps for Bug Repro:In the short description. I have no idea ...

Viper's Fangs attack range angle seems to be bigger then the actual targeting range also the targeting seems to be wonky
It happens that some viper's Fangs do shoot out the attack animation if an enemy is on it's attack range (close to left or right), but they never bubble these, while others can hit them when the monsters are more close to their middle. This issue was noticeabl...

Visual bug - Sword of unholy fire
Play on a Squire with the Sword of unholy fire. Swap character. Watch how the "taunt icon" still appears on top of enemies at the location where the Squire was last. Seems to be only visual bug. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw_ElORhtIbNMmxHTDRsell2cTA