On completion of a Chaos 4 map and selecting the 'continue' button to load the next map the game doesn't load anything and then a new selection of buttons appears asking us to either go to hub or return to title screen.
We've tried C2 and C3 and its only hap...
Happened after the 20.0 Patch: When scrolling down in the open games at the war table I can not select a game.
What happens: I select Any Game Mode + Any Difficulty + Any Map (so that there are many open games). Then I click once on a open game (works). Then...
When switching from full screen to windowed mode, it doesn't actually let you go into windowed mode. You can only switch to Full Screen Windowed or Full Screen, hitting windowed and then apply does nothing.
I can move relics from one slot to another on a hero. I can also equip and unequip shards from a relic, but I cannot unequip a relic so that it goes back into inventory.
So i have notice that there was another def speed nerf and there is no single notice about it in patch info, why you do this ? Quote from steam discussion:[TrendyEnt] iamisom [vývojář] před 23 hodinami Which defenses were lower? The only attack speed chan...
This is an bug which was already in before trials and it still is in the game. Sandstorm Warrior can be triggered by other defenses of the Mystic too like Serpents Coil or Sand Vipers. The description of the Shard says "The Snaking Sands sandstorm ...", so it ...
In the interface of the EV the extra stats from ascension are not correctly displayed.( Ascension Points ,Inventory Stats ,actual stats from the buff). Furthermore the buff beam does not scale from power transfer and vampiric empowerment ( buff beam stats ...
Tested by having mobs hit myself and defenses and applying the fountain. The withering fountain shard (enemies deal reduced damage in the fountain) does not currently reduce enemy damage at all.