Dungeon Defenders 2 Bug Reporting

Recent Reports
Bugs that have been confirmed to be found in the game and reproducable. Additional information useful! Best place to vote if you're having this issue as well.
Votes Bug Comments Date
Recent Reports
Crafting Materials Not Stacking Correctly
If I place shard dust, ampules, or any crafting materials in my bank, go run a map and then place the same material in the bank it doesn't stack. It just takes up another inventory slot. I've tried withdrawing them all and they stay in their own inventory slot...

Recent Reports
Mastery Glitch
When on chaos 1 on siphon site d mastery, if you don't complete the whole mastery on the first try without failing, if you retry from wave it automatically fails you when you restart the round saying that the "win each phase with 10 or more different defenses"...

Recent Reports
Abyss Lord's Direct Command incorrect critical hit scaling on certain Defenses
Uisngg Abyss lord direct command on ramsters archers and colossus can not deal critical damage Repro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro: Use abyss lord Use direct command skill on archer ramster and colossus on dummy check damage ticks Expected Results: Abbys lor...

Recent Reports
Abyss Lord & Haunting shard
Dark syphon (abyss lord primary attack) only counts as 1 attack/stack for the haunting shard meaning you have to click "primary attack" button for 10 times instead of holding itRepro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro:Hold the primary attack while having the haun...

Recent Reports
Unable to activate anything (E key) until after building a defense.
I'm unable to use the E key to activate NPC's, open starting mana chests, etc. until AFTER building a tower or wall (which means I can only do this in town). Repro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro:Starting the game and moving around the tavern/town is my only ...

Recent Reports
EV2 Death from above launch heights
When using death from above in an area with an uneven or low ceiling, the character glitches around. Like vibrating or bouncing on low ceilings or sometimes being randomly launched twice the height, way above the map. Repro Chance: 90%Steps for Bug Repro:Stand...

Recent Reports
Vampiric Empowerment doesnt work
Equiping the shard and read the stats in the background it does nothing to the stats http://puu.sh/y4z6Q.jpgRepro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro:equip shard and loock at the statsExpected Results: noting close to the promised effect

Recent Reports
Explosive poison shard not wotking for PDT
Poison doesn't spread when using explosive poison. Really surprised nobody posted this bug and that Trendy didn't know about it... it has been broken for a month or so, since prior to the Barb update.Repro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro:Hard to test in game....

Recent Reports
Boost aura and Buff beam upgrades dont increas the buff to defences
Boost aura and Buff beam upgrades dont increas the buff to defencesRepro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro:Boost aura and Buff beam upgrades dont increas the buff to defences. The upgraded beam and buff aura have increased boosted stats but this does not increas...

Recent Reports
Boiling blood shard breaking after gilding
After you gild Boiling Blood shard, and upgrade it above 20 upgrade levels, it stops working and generating fury.Repro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro:1. Gild Boiling Blood 2. Upgrade it to 20 or more     I havent bothered to check if it's healing me thou...

Recent Reports
Lavamancer Fissure doesn't show texture on ground.
The Lavamancer's Fissure of Embermount does not show the ground texture to signify its range when placed on console. I've watched PC players play and I see the texture on the ground. Repro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro:Here you see a PC player I found on Goo...

Recent Reports
Gun Witch Sharpshooter's Star-hood clipping
Whenever a Gun Witch wearing the Star-hood uses the Vroom Broom skill or jumps hair can be seen coming through the back of the hood as seen in the following screenshot. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/860604416507642215/B6876A0152298CF3F0B24E0A8E21B...