Dungeon Defenders 2 Bug Reporting

Recent Reports
Bugs that have been confirmed to be found in the game and reproducable. Additional information useful! Best place to vote if you're having this issue as well.
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Recent Reports
Comparing shields when the active character is not a Squire does not show the compare screen
When you left click an item, you should be able to mouse over other items for the same gear slot to get the compare screen that tells you the stats/etc differences between the two items. This works as expected if you compare two shields while a Squire is the a...

Recent Reports
"Clear Skies" and "Line Them Up" achievement not working
The Monk's "Clear Skies" and the Apprentice's "Line Them Up" achievements are not showing any progress for me. After farming for some time they still show 0% progress. All the other achievements work just fine. I'm not sure if this is the case for everyone but...

Recent Reports
Abyss Lord's Direct Command incorrect critical hit scaling on certain Defenses
Uisngg Abyss lord direct command on ramsters archers and colossus can not deal critical damage Repro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro: Use abyss lord Use direct command skill on archer ramster and colossus on dummy check damage ticks Expected Results: Abbys lor...

Recent Reports
Selling an item from your inventory leaves a glow behind.
Selling an item like a bow or helmet will leave a glow around the slot it was previously in as if the mouse was still there even if it isn't.Repro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro:Sell an item in your inventory after hovering over it with a mouse.Expected Resul...

Recent Reports
Altar of the Athame Incursion
after more testing it looks like the bug only happens if u replay the map....if u start the map fresh from the tavern ur good to go....but if u hit replay after u win or lose it looks like it triggers the boss auto kill timer on the big assassins and when the ...

Recent Reports
Defenses not attacking dummies
Hornets, Jellys and the nimbus cloud dont attack the dummies in either the private tavern or public.Repro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro:   Not much else to say here.   Just bought the Dryad and wanted to check out what the dps was like on each of her defe...

Recent Reports
Petrinarian uses too much food
When Powering up a pet (Pertrinarion -> Power up) and you accidentally select Feed x10 on the Exquisite Pet Food it uses all 10 (or as many as you have up to 10) even if it needs only 1 or 2. Not nice since Exquisite pet food is so rare.Repro Chance: 100%Step...

Recent Reports
sell value display on compare is to small, and sometimes item sell value is out of the window
You can compare a dropped item on the map with your current item with left shift. The sell value is displayed with a small font and is not readable. Sometimes dropped items sell values are outside of the window of the item too, but that happens rarely.Repro Ch...

Recent Reports
Lavamancer's shoulder seems out of place
The top end of the lavamancer's weapons (his left shoulder) seems to just have popped from where it used to be. This is on every skin so I assume this is just a weapon rigging bugRepro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro:Just look at 'emExpected Results: Just for ...

Recent Reports
Dryad unable to create Harpie while flying
While in flight as a dryad, you can select a tower to build and can make trees + the non-directional towers. If you are flying and try to place a harpy however it appears to exit out instead of placing the tower and letting you aim it.Repro Chance: 100%Steps f...

Recent Reports
Betsy nade shard procs on environmentals in spooky map
With the betsy nades shard equipped, shooting the tombs on the spooky map (the ones that activate a ghosty-swordie guy), the betsy nade procs.Repro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro:1. Equip betsy nade shard 2. Go to the spooky map (with the tombs you activate f...

Recent Reports
Mistic Oldschool text when upgradeing
Sometimes when trying to upgrade mystics defences they show the oldschool text instead of new text.Repro Chance: 50%Steps for Bug Repro: Spawn Sandviper Tower hit q while looking at tower text will sometimes be the old text for upgrading things Expected Result...