Dungeon Defenders 2 Bug Reporting

Wrong text in the rename text field when you rename a hero (Windows)
When renameing a hero you get a text field with only the letter "n" inside. The text field works but i belive it was supposed to be the current name of that hero.
Repro Chance: 10%
Steps for Bug Repro:

When you browse your hero deck and decide to rename a hero you select the hero and press N (by default).
That results in a text field with the is the letter "n" inside. I assume that was supposed to be the current name of that hero. This does not make the renameing function unusable, but is is odd and not something that belongs.

Expected Results: The "n" getting changed to be the current name of the hero you are trying to rename.

PowerupMinionDK posted this bug on08/29/17