So... I have a auto collect bag set for everything and it will collect everything until it is full. This will also collect shards, but:
I have another auto collect bag set for shards only and it will NOT collect any of them.
I use the following settings:
Shards only
All rarity
All Heroes.
But nothing comes in, only if I add consumables and loot boxes it works with shards too.
I would also like to see their priority increased, so you don't pick up all that white loot before anything useful...
Thanks for the report, we found that shard packs are being counted as a consumable, so if you are looking to autocollect them set a bag for consumable. We have added this to list of fixes to come soon.
Thanks for the report, we found that shard packs are being counted as a consumable, so if you are looking to autocollect them set a bag for consumable. We have added this to list of fixes to come soon.